Sirens and Titans Fitness
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Sirens and Titans Fitness and were last updated on 4/30/21.
Social distancing measures
Each climber is at least 6 feet apart from the next.
Ventilation system
We monitor the CO2 (exhaled air) in the room and keep it as close to outside air as possible. We keep our rear doors open to bring in fresh air with a high cfm exhaust fan pulling air out through out large roll-up door. We have an IQ Air purifier circulating clean air.
Extra sanitation
Climbers are sanitized before and after classes.
Limited capacity
Maximum class size is currently 7.
KABC7 covering the S&TF/FUBAR VersaClimber Workout
Featured in top classes for
Fri, Jan 24
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Sirens and Titans Fitness Reviews
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How to prepare