NY Best Kickboxing
Det här företaget finns i en annan tidszon.
Säkerhet och renlighet
Säkerhetsriktlinjer tillhandahålls av NY Best Kickboxing och uppdaterades senast 24-12-04
They use Coway Airmega Smart Air Purifier technology, a true HEPA air purifier. They also have dehumidifiers and fans to help keep you cool year round. When appropriate, they have three air conditioners that keep the entire studio comfortable.
Extra hygienrutiner
The facility is professionally cleaned every day.
Begränsad kapacitet
They limit class size not only so you have room to move but also so their staff can keep a close eye on you and make corrections.
Policies för utrustning
Everyone must have boxing gloves. If you have your own, GREAT! If you need a pair you can buy them at our pro shop. They also sell handwraps, and other kickboxing gear.
lör 1 feb.
Det finns inga kommande reservationer den här dagen
Recensioner av NY Best Kickboxing
4,719 betyg
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
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