Jazzercise Woodbury Fitness Center

Det här företaget finns i en annan tidszon.

Säkerhet och renlighet

Säkerhetsriktlinjer tillhandahålls av Jazzercise Woodbury Fitness Center och uppdaterades senast 21-08-02

Policies för att bära mask

Masks will be required upon entry and exit by all participants and staff. Masks are not recommended during the workout.

Åtgärder för fysisk distansering

We have 7 x 7 feet squares for each participant with walk ways between the squares. The instructor is at least 15 feet from the participants. Each member should leave their street shoes in the lobby and carry in their belongings in a small bag which will stay in the corner of their square.

Extra hygienrutiner

All participants will use hand sanitizers on the way to the dance floor . All high contact surfaces will be cleaned after each class.

Begränsad kapacitet

Maximum class size is 11 plus a class manager and instructor. Sign up for in person classes is via Sign up Genius.


mån 3 juni
Det finns inga kommande reservationer den här dagen

Recensioner av Jazzercise Woodbury Fitness Center

100+ betyg
Inga recensioner ännu.




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