Jana Loving Life - Wellness - Light Centre
Säkerhet och renlighet
Säkerhetsriktlinjer tillhandahålls av Jana Loving Life - Wellness och uppdaterades senast 24-11-13
Policies för att bära mask
The therapist wears a mask during a session and for the client the mask is optional. It's recommended to wear a mask if you enter communal areas of the Centre including the reception area and corridors, where distancing cannot be maintained.
Ventilation in the therapy rooms: Enough time between sessions is allowed to ensure the therapy rooms can be sanitised and sufficiently aired.
Extra hygienrutiner
High touch surfaces will be deep cleaned between each session and between use.
Begränsad kapacitet
This is one to one session. The therapist is wearing a mask.
ons 5 feb.
Det finns inga kommande reservationer den här dagen
Recensioner av Jana Loving Life - Wellness
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