Dutch Strength
Det här företaget finns i en annan tidszon.
Säkerhet och renlighet
Säkerhetsriktlinjer tillhandahålls av Dutch Strength och uppdaterades senast 23-10-12
Åtgärder för fysisk distansering
Our gym has reserved spots to make lifting safe!
Extra hygienrutiner
Users are asked to have clean shoes & hands before entering the gym space, all our users have to desinfect the used equipment
Begränsad kapacitet
Our gym is restricted to reservation on a maximum of 16 training spots
Policies för utrustning
Our code of conduct refers to how to load a bar correctly, but also you are asked to wear proper clothing - trunk needs to be covered (Internationa Weightlifting Federation sportclothes rules)
ons 22 jan.
75 min
LIfting FUNdamentals Olympic Weightlifting
Tom BruijnenRecensioner av Dutch Strength
5,083 betyg
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- 2
- 1
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