
Det här företaget finns i en annan tidszon.

Säkerhet och renlighet

Säkerhetsriktlinjer tillhandahålls av CycleOM och uppdaterades senast 20-06-25

Policies för att bära mask

We ask everyone to wear masks when they enter the building and anytime they interact with staff or others. When you are on your bike or mat but you can remove your mask if you wish.

Åtgärder för fysisk distansering

We rearranged the bikes and marked up the yoga room to ensure safe practicing distance. That restricts numbers to 10 in spin; 12 in yoga. We have social distance markers in front of reception and yoga. If you are coming to yoga and have come before bypass reception and go straight to the yoga room.

Extra hygienrutiner

We have updated the schedule to allow enough time between classes for thorough cleaning using approved cleaning and disinfecting products.We have placed hand sanitizers throughout the studios and reception.

Begränsad kapacitet

We rearranged the bikes and marked up the yoga room to ensure safe practicing distance. That restricts numbers to 10 in spin; 12 in yoga.


mån 3 juni
Det finns inga kommande reservationer den här dagen

Recensioner av CycleOM

2 500+ betyg
Inga recensioner ännu.



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