see all reviewsThe class was wonderful, just like all of Ricardo’s classes, but I would like to draw attention to the fact that many people do not follow the rule that phones are not allowed inside the studio… no matter how much the teachers inform them and the staff asks them to hand in their phones. I believe the issue is due to the fact that there are influencers who, addicted to social media, record videos DURING THE CLASSES, post them on their insta/tiktok, and still maintain a partnership with StudioRise (Concha!).
IMPORTANT: Late arrivals will not be allowed into class. Please arrive 15-20 minutes…Pilates | Core Strength Matwork
see all reviewsAn amazing and intense class. Contrary to many other Pilates classes, this class was slow-paced yet so intense and effective. The music was perfect as well - motivating yet more deep and spiritual than usual “party” songs used for workouts. My muscles were sore! Will definitely return!
Daily classes from gentle flows, to impactful sculpting, to happy sweats, in a special…FULL BODY
see all reviewsA aula tem a duração adequada para o esforço. Materiais muito bons e estúdio bem organizado. A tecnologia é inovadora. O espaço (balneários, zona de cacifos,…) é limpo e organizado. A Mirna foi muito simpática e prestável para explicar e adaptar os exercícios para quem estava a fazer a aula pela 1a vez. A repetir!!! 10/10
Music. Lighting. Gaming. (in sync). Não sabes a que ritmo golpear o saco de boxe…OPEN GYM
see all reviewsHave really enjoyed coming to the open sessions as a gym newbie. Jules is an amazing instructor and gives you as much or as little attention as you need. The workouts are varied and fun and I can see results already. Thanks Jules!
Welcome to Embody, a space where fitness and wellness meet fun! Here, we do things…Cross Training
see all reviewsI recently moved to Portugal and don’t speak any Portuguese, and the instructor didn’t speak English. I thought this might be a challenge, but the instructor did an incredible job communicating through gestures and even using a bit of Google Translate. Thanks to their effort, I had an amazing workout experience! I highly recommend this class to anyone looking for an authentic CrossFit experience.
Ao longo da história, as sociedades têm vindo a transformar-se e a modificar-se com…BTM Personal Training
see all reviewsTreino super especializado do Ricardo. Rapidamente percebeu os meus pontos fracos e criou um treino à minha medida e das minhas necessidades. Voltarei!
Estúdio de treino personalizado que promove acompanhamento profissional ao nível…Krav Maga
see all reviewsÓtima aula! Eu era a única do grupo iniciante (primeira aula, literalmente) e todos foram muito acolhedores. Desde o professor até os alunos do avançado que também tiveram a paciência de ensinar me em algum momentos da aula.
A STAT foi fundada em 2008 por Pedro Tânger decidiu prosseguir o seu sonho e que…TRX 30
see all reviewsA melhor maneira de começar um Novo Ano é com treino de circuito com a orientação do Ricardo. Cardio, core, força - desistir não é opção! Persistir e acreditar nos benefícios deste trabalho consistente. Bora lá !
A missão do Life Center é a promoção da saúde através do exercício. Trabalhamos em…HIIT
see all reviewsThis studio is absolutely amazing! Both Francisco and Madalena are incredibly energetic and motivating trainers who make every session so enjoyable and inspiring. Their passion and energy are contagious, and they truly create an uplifting atmosphere. Wishing them continued success, and I’m excited to keep coming back for more classes!
If you're looking for a studio with classes that are as challenging as they are fun…Krav Maga
see all reviewsA aula foi muito fixe! Recomendo a todos, prof muito querida e bom ambiente. Adorei
Artes marciais para toda a família. Taekwondo Songahm, Warrior KravMaga, Kick Fit…Pilates
see all reviewsHugo’s Pilates class was wonderful, he kept correcting my postures all along and it really felt physically revigorating without getting bored or exhausted at any moment.
Comportafit was born in the Alentejo coast, in the village of Comporta, with nature…- A aventura é a nossa paixão! Acreditamos que é importante dar um toque pessoal à…
Double Down
see all reviewsTop! Primeira vez no espaço e gostei muito. Professor muito atencioso a explicar os exercícios e a acompanhar. Não recomendável beginners
O F45 Training é um conceito revolucionário que combina tecnologia de ponta com exerc…